It's Just... THAT BAD!
Wow... Very... Very... Very... BAD! That's right! I will be discussing about a VERY Big issue that occurred on September 2012. There is this Program, which people have mentioned before, that it was a place where young Adults go out in the community and work on jobs to get their High school Diploma (for those who never got it before). Sounds like a very great program, doesn't it? While it may sound good... THINK AGAIN!!! It's NOT what you would normally expect by the fact of how it all sounds. In fact, it's not even a program AT ALL! Whatever you do... STAY AWAY from this UNHOLY GRAIL of Horror! Because those people... are not from SRHS. Not EVEN one person.
On the bright side, the Jobs may seem good at least (Not Great, Just good only). But also, when it comes to the People from this program, they can just ruin your Fun in an instant. Speaking of Fun, there IS no such thing as "FUN" at the TRACE Program. Oh No... no way Jose! Not a chance! You'd rather eat maggots for LIFE than being in this boring program! Or you'd rather be Stuck in an elevator Full of Poisonous Snakes for crying Out Loud!!! You'd rather do Anything to stay away from this DUMP! If you ask me how Bad this Program is, the only answer you'll Ever Get is, "I cannot explain how bad it is, because it's THAT BAD!"
Who Made this Disgraceful schedule? The MONKEYS??!!

Deja Vu Experience over Trace Lunch?!

They had to be joking when they said TRACE was an "Adult school!"
What can I say? They have a really good sense of Humor! Very funny - NOT! An Adult school?! Yeah right! Being with a group of students who ARE Adults, but don't even act like one. What the Heck is that?! It's almost like going back to middle school when being placed in this disgraceful Program! Unless they are a kid on the inside, perhaps that makes a difference. But no, it's not like that! These Trace students are still KIDS! I've even overheard that they get called "Kids" instead of "Adults!" Why CALL them Kids?! I don't get it! Just because they act like little rascals, doesn't mean they are still kids! And if they are, then WHY, Why, OH Why... do they dare call this an "Adult School?!" Oh, and why even call it a school, if it's only a program?!! I'm not kidding, I've heard some people say,"I'm going to school" as they were referring to the Program! I thought Trace wasn't a school. So why in the Name of Humanity, is this Program under the Umbrella of SDUSD? (San Diego Unified "SCHOOL" District). It's like saying Pluto is not a planet while others claim it is! Does any of this make a bit sense?! If you ask me, I'd say... NOT EVEN CLOSE! Let's just say that Trace is a Program, Pretending to be a school!! Since it DOES seem like a school, that is why they allow it to be part of the District. But since it's not - Oh wow, they're screwing things up REAL BAD! Bottom line, the Program/School Sucks!
The Real Meaning of the abbreviation "T.R.A.C.E"
We've all may have seen what Trace stands for:
"Transition Resources for Adult Community Education." <-------INCORRECT
100% WRONG!!! If you ever wondered what it REALLY Stands for, then here is the REAL meaning of this Disgrace:
"Totally Ridiculous And Crazy Environment." <-------------- CORRECT
Shocking, isn't it? Who knew this abbreviation had a Subliminal message? No one I bet!
The Red Letters Spell out "Trace" as clear as glass, and there is NO denying this Scary truth... EVER!
They came... from where? From Hell!!
Oh No! Don't even get me started with... THEM! Yeah, that's right. These people from the Program can be very annoying, including the students. They are annoying and just SO Boring!! Some don't even say a word once in a while, and others - well, just PLAIN Annoying!! You'll just feel like wanting to EXPLODE from all the stress they get to you! No wonder this isn't a school! Because these "Students", don't look like students at all, even if they wear they're backpacks(And again, why bring backpacks if it's NOT a school?).
And why call these "Teachers"...Teachers? Shouldn't we call them "Trainers" INSTEAD?! They don't EVEN get called by their last Names!! Whatever happened to Mr. and Mrs.? Why call them by their first Names instead?! These People make no Sense! You just can't expect anything from them but to get on your Very Last nerves!! On the first day of school(or should I say, the first day of the program), I wondered what to expect from this Unknown Piece of Dump. Instead of anything good happening, all that showed up... was a Steaming Pile of COW DUMP! There I saw just a bunch of boring people only, who were not from SRHS. What a BIG, Disappointment! It felt like a bullet going through your heart and then passing out in an instant! It felt like a Heavy Soda Machine fell right on your Nuts, feeling the World's Most Painful thing in Recorded History!! It feels just like that, once you experience the worst of these people from the Trace Program! If you want to have some Fun which you will remember for the rest of your life, go to Disneyland. But if you want to make your life a Living Hell, then the People from the Program are there... waiting for you! Spooky!
What if... Trace came to life?!!

It doesn't even deserve a One out of Five!
So, after seeing how BEYOND HORRIBLE... this program is, what rating should it deserve? Let's find out. Does it deserve, a 5 out of 5? If you think so, You BETTER Be Joking!! No Way it doesn't! How about a 4 out of 5? Nope! A 3 out of 5? Still NO! 2 out of 5? Getting warmer, but still... NO! O.k., so you may think for sure, it's going to get a 1 out of 5! Well... to be honest... NOOOO!! It does Not... deserve a 1 out of 5! Instead, it doesn't deserve ANYTHING!! Just by seeing how terrible and how Out-of-this-world BAD this program is, it can't even deserve a 1 out of 5! So in that case, it's a NONE out of 5! Yeah, that's right. What more did you expect?! You obviously have no idea how Bad this program is if you thought it was going to get a 1 out of 5. At least you learned something New!
Recommended: Always Have a Barf Bag with you!
Thinking about this terrible Program just makes me... ugh... it makes me want to Puke...
Anyways, where was I? Oh right. I was going to talk about the side effects that this Program can bring due to it's Horribleness. Because Trace is Very Bad, and I MEAN BAD, it will make you feel nauseous! The most important thing to mention when explaining the badness of this place, is that it is a Disease! It's a VIRUS and it's contagious! When you have this side effect, don't go see a doctor. Because it has nothing to do with what you ate. Instead, you should blame the Program which is where your getting the diseases from. The only way to be cured from this awful sickness, is to - of course... STAY AWAY from this Terrible Program!!! Simple as THAT! When you throw up inside a bag or something, not only you will see green slime coming out, but also... so many steam rising up in the air! You'll also have the urge of Diarrhea, which will make you go to the restroom again and AGAIN! You'd be making a BIG, Major mess all over the toilet, making the entire place stink so BAD! How Bad? As bad as this Program!
List of things that Makes this Program Just... SOOOOO BAD!!!
- Bad Schedule
- Boring/Annoying People
- Terrible Group Structure
- HORRIBLE Senses of Humor (except when they joke about saying how fun the program is)
- Over-repeated School Lunch (Same Sandwich)
- No People from SRHS
- Misleading Information about Trace (Such as saying it was an Adult school)
- Non-Adult Students (they don't act like one)
- Teachers not called by their Last names like Mr. or Mrs.
- Unstable Environment
- Irresponsible Trace Staffs (wheres my ipad?)
- Unpopular People
- Too many strangers
- Short Summer Break (We get off on July)
- Same Job sites (Always clothing stores)
- Forced to do some things (I was forced to go bowling once)
- Student Smokers <--------Now that's just Horrible!!!
Since theres just SOOOO Many things that makes this program Just Very Bad, I cannot keep going on as I'd get very tired. But to be honest, the Actual List would be Way more longer than this.
This program... is the Worst... Place... Ever!

Update 1/11/13: A Special Documentary regarding this Horrible incident
is coming soon on the General Chestosneako Channel on youtube by Spring 2013.
The video will explain more on the Badness of this Boring program than this blog has.
Stay tuned for more info!
Copyright ©2013 chestosneako Inc.